Update regarding Merseyrail services on the Chester Line

Publish date

Friday, June 23, 2023

From Monday 26 June, some rail services will return to Green Lane station on the Chester line which means passengers will now have four trains per hour in both directions.

The current arrangements at this station were put in place by Merseyrail to help improve reliability of services on this part of the network and this progress has led to this latest announcement.

“We’ve been keeping these arrangements under close review as people have told us how important these services are to them and I’d like to thank them for their patience.

“I’m pleased to report there has been a consistent improvement in performance since the original changes were put in place by Merseyrail and as a result some services can be re-instated for the benefit of passengers. This follows an earlier return of some services to Bromborough Rake.

“It is important to note that the original changes were designed to help contain disruption and drive an improvement in the overall reliability of rail services on the South Wirral line.

“Our guarantee that all services to both Green Lane and Bromborough Rake will return once the new fleet of trains are running still stands. As part of our roll out plan we will be letting passengers know when to expect their new trains”.

Cllr Steve Foulkes

Vice Chair of the Combined Authority’s Transport Committee

For further details of services running to Green Lane please check the Merseyrail website, social media and station posters.