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STA Stagecoach Merseyside


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Damfield Lane, Hall Lane15:40
Hall Lane, Spring Gardens15:41
Eastway, Brook Road15:42
Eastway, Haymans Green15:43
Eastway, Eastway15:44
Eastway, Hunt Road15:44
Northway, Damfield Lane15:46
Northway, Hall Lane15:48
Northway, Dover Road15:50
Ormskirk Road, Asda15:53
Aintree Lane, Old Roan Station15:55
Aintree Lane, Molyneux Way15:55
Aintree Lane, Ellesmere Drive15:56
Aintree Lane, Atholl Crescent15:57
School Lane, Sefton Drive15:58
Wango Lane, Felsted Drive15:59
Aintree Lane, Sherwoods Lane16:01
Copplehouse Lane, Copplehouse Lane16:03
Bridgehouse Lane, Wadebridge Road16:05
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