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STA Stagecoach Merseyside


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Gillars Green Drive, Millwood Avenue08:13
Gillars Green Drive, Burrows Lane08:13
Church Lane, The Spires08:14
Chapel Lane, The Cloisters08:15
Millbrook Lane, Chapel Lane08:16
Millbrook Lane, Crocketts Walk08:17
Bleak Hill Road, Calderhurst Drive08:19
Bleak Hill Road, Crantock Grove08:20
Rainford Road, East Lancashire Road08:21
Rainford By Pass, Longwood Close08:23
Rainford By-Pass, St Helens Road08:26
Pasture Lane, Rainford By-pass08:28
Church Road, Wellfield 08:30
Church Road, Thickwood Moss Lane08:31
Church Road, Whalley Avenue08:32
Ormskirk Road, The Avenue08:33
Ormskirk Road, Alfred Street08:33
Ormskirk Road, Moss Brow08:34
Old Lane, Parklands08:35
Old Lane, Helen Bank Drive08:35
Old Lane, Hydes Brow08:36
Higher Lane, Witton Way08:37
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