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ARR Arriva Merseyside


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Stretton Way, Wilson Road05:5007:00
Wilson Road, Link Road05:5207:02
Wilson Road, Huyton Trade Centre05:5207:02
Wilson Road, St Johns Road05:5407:04
Huyton Bus Station/Stand 505:5707:07
Hall Lane, School Lane05:5907:09
Hall Lane, Poplar Way06:0007:10
The Crescent, Longview Drive06:0007:10
Longview Drive, Hardie Road06:0107:11
Longview Drive, Hurst Park Drive06:0107:11
Longview Drive, Edenfield Crescent06:0207:12
Longview Lane, Wellcroft Road06:0307:13
Liverpool Road, Hillside Road06:0407:14
Liverpool Road, Lyme Cross Road06:0507:15
Knowsley Lane, Radway Road06:0607:16
Knowsley Lane, No. 16906:0707:17
Knowsley Lane, Primrose Drive06:0807:18
Knowsley Lane, Newark Close06:0807:18
Knowsley Lane, Park Way06:0907:19
Knowsley Lane, Nursery Farm06:1007:20
Knowsley Lane, Knowlsey Road Farm06:1007:20
Knowsley Lane, Croxteth Lane06:1007:20
Knowsley Lane, Shannons Lane06:1107:21
Knowsley Lane, Home Farm Lane06:1207:22
Knowsley Lane, Pinfold Lane06:1207:22
Knowsley Lane, Shop Road06:1307:23
School Lane, Knowsley Lane06:1407:24
Kitling Road, Kitling Road06:1507:25
Ormskirk Road, East Lancashire Road06:1707:27
Coopers Lane, East Lancashire Road06:1707:27
Hornhouse Lane, QVC06:1907:29
South Boundary Road, Admin Road06:2107:31
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